About Laura

Laura, dark blonde shoulder length hair woman smiling holding small pumpkins and gourds outdoors, wearing glasses and a purple shirt.

❓ Curious by nature 
😎 Mom to 2 very active toddlers
💞 Blending 2 cultures & traditions to create a vibrant, loving home
✨ Protecting my peace (and energy) one day at a time 
🥰 Connection Coach for moms and moms-to-be
🎶 Classically trained flutist / singer at heart 
🌻 Being in nature feeds my soul 
📖 Book lover / Poetry novice
🎓 Earned my MBA while working full-time
💫 Astrology: sun in Leo, moon in Sagittarius, and rising in Leo
💖 On my own spiritual healing journey of 13+ years 

Laura, gently holding a baby against her shoulder. The baby is dressed in a green and white striped outfit. The woman appears to be soothing or comforting the baby with her eyes closed. Background includes indoor plants and a softly lit room.

My Story

With over 15 years of experience in the nonprofit performing arts as a wearer of many hats, I have shifted from the 40+ hour workweek, working 7 days a week, trying to do it all (yikes! – I know, not good) to working no more than 20 hours a week, taking random days off, and receiving a lot of support from my husband, loved ones, and Divine team.  

I’ve hung up my superwoman cape and all the hats I thought I needed to wear. I’ve learned that this life we live is not meant to be lived alone. And it’s not just one and done. I continue to heal deeper layers of my superwoman and am learning what it means to live more freely every day.

I want moms (moms-to-be) to feel empowered to protect their peace, tap into their thriving energy, and align with their life’s overall vision, so they can get off the hamster wheel of survival and exhaustion. It’s time to connect AND accept who YOU love to be.

Black and white image of a woman, Laura, sitting cross-legged on the floor holding a water bottle and a plate, looking at a toddler. The toddler is sitting next to her with a plate and a sippy cup, looking back at her.
Pink cherry blossom tree against a blue sky.

A Journey to Self-Connection Begins

My self-connection and healing journey began over 10 years ago when I found myself in the middle of Washington Square Park in NYC on the phone with mom asking her if it was okay for me to get help, to seek out someone to help me with my mental health.

I was in the middle of a huge emotional break, felt completely unsupported, and in way over my head. I was pursuing a degree in flute performance, was in an unhealthy relationship, and had no idea what I wanted out of life.

I felt lost, numb, and my body felt like it was in a constant state of breakdown. I was in and out of doctors’ offices and ERs, seeing every specialist, getting every scan imaginable, and yet I still had ZERO answers as to why I was experiencing excruciating abdominal pain. The solution was to take a muscle relaxer every time to help ease the pain. But that muscle relaxer knocked me out. I couldn’t do a single thing and had to sleep. Well, hindsight is 20-20, and I really did need that rest and healing time …

My body was trying to tell me to slow down, breathe, rest, sleep, and trust myself. I missed ALL those messages. Every single message from my body was ignored or stuffed away – and so were the emotions that were causing these physical symptoms in my body. 

Snow-covered landscape with scattered bare trees under a cloudy sky

What lead me to working with a life coach?

(And how a flute lesson led me to the power of mindfulness )

So, I tried going to one of the therapists at NYU but it wasn’t a good fit. I felt like I was supported during each session but when I walked out of my therapist’s office, I felt alone and completely unsure of what to do to process and heal what happened in each session. I’m sure this counselor was a great fit for someone else, just not me. I was desperate and reached out to a trusted mentor for some guidance.

This beautiful Soul invited me to a flute masterclass that embraced me as a human being and not just a flute playing machine. This is where I meditated for the first time, where I started listening to my body, and where I was introduced to the power of mindfulness. 

Laura, a woman playing flute on stage

I learned early on that trust was key for me to heal and that I wasn’t meant to do this alone. And, 11 years later, I am deepening my trust in myself and God.

My life coach is an integral part of my self-connection and healing journey (the same person I’ve been with since that flute masterclass!). I have an amazing support system that I lean on without guilt (okay there’s still some guilt there), and I am living life in a way that overflows my cup, not just filling it.

Laura wearing sunglasses holding a baby in a carrier. The baby is looking up and wearing a blue knit hat.

Becoming a Mom

As a mom, it doesn't feel natural putting myself first, ahead of my kids. But here’s the thing, prioritizing myself doesn’t put me ahead of my kids, it puts us on the same level playing field. It sets us all up for a nurturing day, helps me support them through their emotional development, and keeps us all grounded.  

When I became a mom, my superwoman self tried to adopt those old workaholic tendencies and push my needs to the side. Out of fear of making a mistake (perfection) and putting unrealistic expectations on myself, I put my needs to the side. I poured all my energy into their needs and didn’t address mine. I was depleted, short tempered, and absolutely done. AND this still happens to me. The difference now is that I don’t judge it, I just get back on my self-connection wagon. 

Two people posing playfully under a stone arch in a wooded area.
Wooden path covered with fallen autumn leaves in a forest

Unexpected Joys & Challenges

Let’s back up shall we? My motherhood journey truly started when I met my now husband. I will never forget the morning we met. It was a partly cloudy day in New York City and we were in a studio room waiting for our woodwind quintet coaching session to begin, only to realize we were in the wrong room. From that moment on, we were inseparable, our quintet that is. The five of us did everything together. We rehearsed, we ate, we indulged in many beers and tacos, and learned about each other. We were all from different backgrounds, cultural upbringings, and through our musical expression we blended them. Coming from a small town in Connecticut, this was the best education I could have ever received. I learned a lot about myself those early years and it was then that I really began to embrace and love all that was different. Those four other people in our quintet quickly became my chosen family and my family embraced them with open arms. My mom often says that I find family wherever I go. So it’s no surprise that I was on a plane going to Brazil four months after meeting my husband to meet his family.

Our love story blossomed and led to our States wedding the summer of 2015, followed by our religious Brazilian wedding 6 months later. We were sharing so much of ourselves with each other. One of our favorite ways to express ourselves is through food; he loves cooking and I love baking.

We were embracing the beauty of diversity through blending my husband’s Brazilian and Korean heritage with my blended background of Italian, Swedish, and English immigrants that found home in the United States.

Five years later our beautiful son was born. What many of you don’t know is that I experienced a miscarriage a year and a half earlier. I was already working through so much fear and then the world shut down. We navigated my high-risk pregnancy due to a genetic condition I have called Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I had a planned c-section and while in recovery started experiencing the true power and wisdom of what it meant to blend mine and my husband’s backgrounds.

Hindsight is 20-20. I didn’t realize how much I needed my mother-in-law as I needed my parents. My parents and my husband’s mom were able to visit and celebrate our son’s birth before all international flights were cancelled. There’s something incredibly beautiful watching your husband and his mom bond over your child. And at the same time care for me.

As musicians and entrepreneurs, we have lived in many places and have adopted family along the way. Moving with a newborn during a global pandemic and then again with two toddlers was a lot to say the least. As an aside, my husband and I have moved upwards of 11 times in the last 10 years living in 5 different towns/cities and 3 different states. Mostly because my husband’s work dictated where we would go next. As challenging as it was to navigate, there was a sense of hope and fun that we cultivated for ourselves. The fall of 2021, we found a place to settle in Columbus, Ohio!!

We welcomed our daughter nine months later and feel so blessed to have safely navigated another high-risk pregnancy and c-section surgery and recovery. This is the part of motherhood you aren’t always aware of, where your body takes such a toll that you aren’t sure what it means to be in your body anymore. Only just recently have I gone deeper with my own healing journey. I have been doing energy work around my c-section scar, and working on shifting the limiting beliefs I am still holding about my body.

You know what else I wasn’t expecting? All the emotions. Mine, my husband’s, and our kids. I am forever grateful for my own emotional healing and tools because we are using them with our kids too. We have recognized that we weren’t taught about emotions the way we are teaching our kids. It’s not because our parents didn’t try, it’s because it wasn’t something anyone was talking about over 30 years ago. It’s been greatly enjoyable to see how we were both raised and blend that into what we are doing now. How we parent is different from how our parents parented.

Couple embracing in a grassy field at sunset
Family on staircase smiling and waving at the camera

Human Being ≠ Super Human

Together, we are dedicated to honoring and blending our cultures, instilling in our children the richness of the Brazilian Portuguese language and the traditions we hold dear. While we have only been able to visit Brazil once with our children, our connection to family remains strong through WhatsApp and video calls, sharing pictures and updates that keep us close even when we're miles apart.

Our journey is one of love, patience, and continuous learning, as we strive to teach our children the value of their multicultural heritage. We celebrate the diverse roots that shape our family, and embrace the unique challenges and joys that come with raising bicultural kids in a world where traditions intertwine and cultures harmonize.

During the pandemic and the first year of our son’s life, I felt like I was living like a squirrel in the middle of a busy street, constantly reacting. I decided it was time to go deeper on my healing journey. Motherhood rocked my world, and I needed to remind myself that I am a human being and not a super human. I went deeper by investing my time and energy into ME. I got certified in the very methods that helped me receive more love and abundance in my life. The Therapeutic Meditation Process™ (TMP) and Release The 3P’s™️ have brought me to where I am today

I am living a more peaceful, balanced life. Is it perfect? No, I don’t want perfection, I want progress and growth. It’s not always easy feeling and listening to the messages my body and my emotions are bringing me, but it is necessary.

I have the tools and support to get through the roughest days and the biggest cheerleader section to celebrate my wins with me. One of the most significant changes for me has been learning not to wait to ask for help. I am part of a very active and supportive mom-chat group with my friends, and you don’t realize how much you need something like this until it’s too late. Check out my blog on building this kind of support network for yourself, whether you are a new mom or your kids are grown—everyone needs support from someone on a similar journey.

By protecting my peace, my quiet time, and my emotional, physical, and mental well-being, I am a more grounded, expansive, loving, and compassionate human being.

I am someone I love being with as I continue to grow and evolve. Something I wish for you too. 

Let’s Work Together!

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Explore Sessions

If you’d like to experience what it’s like to work with Laura before committing to the program, you’re welcome to schedule an Explore Session. Discover more about what an Explore Session entails HERE.

Protect Your Peace Program

Join Laura for a 6-month program offering ongoing support, inspiration, and tools to bring your desires to life. Learn more HERE to start your healing journey today.